's COLD outside! The leaves are falling in all colors and the chill in the air means football watching is more enjoyable and our hoodies feel much more comfortable. Have I mentioned boots? Oh, I love boot season! So, in celebration of it finally FEELING like fall, I thought I would list my top 10 fall things and see what some of my readers think are must-have or must-do for fall! 1. PUMPKINS. Pumpkin everything. Pie, muffins, anything baked. I have a pumpkin muffin recipe and I add chocolate chips, because, well, chocolate is amazing! 2. GOOD EARTH TEA: Forget the pumpkin spice latte or whatever y'all spend too much money on. This TEA is amazing. It tastes like fall to me and I only drink it September through December, as weather allows. No milk or sugar needed, it's perfect as is. 3. SOUP: I promise, not everything is about food, but this is the time of year to fatten up to keep warm for winter :) Chicken tor...