Fall is always so busy for our family. Besides wanting to do the traditional fun fall activities - apple picking, pumpkin patch, Halloween festivities, football games, etc, we've got two birthdays to celebrate.
One birthday down last week. It's so hard to know how to celebrate. We've never done a party outside of our home because it seems like they are so overpriced. We typically hold a party with 10-15 kids, because it's really hard to draw a line with where to stop...and it's absolute chaos. But the kids love it. We'd cram these kids in our tiny house and pray for good weather so they could run around outside for at least some of the time...
Since moving, we took it really easy this year. First birthday was our 9 year old - she had 3 girls over from school and they ate homemade pizza, did painting and crafts. We have a lot of good family friends with younger kids so we had a park play date the next day and ate cake to celebrate her again. Then we took her out for mini golf and dinner at the restaurant of her choice. It was Red Robin, because, well, free sundae and singing on your birthday!
When we're trying to share with family all over the country what she wants for her birthday, Amazon wish lists come to the rescue. She and I sit down at the computer and search for things she wants to add to her lists. It's a time saver for family, easy returns through Amazon if something needs to be exchanged, and she gets things she wants/needs. Win, win, win!
In a few weeks we'll figure out what to do with child #2's 7th birthday. She is my social one - friends from age 2 to age 12 and everywhere in between. Mostly boys, because she's my sport-loving tomboy. It's hard to keep things equal and fair when they want different things!
Oh, and did I mention my grandmother is turning 90 in between my kids' birthdays so we will have a party for her to plan as well. Party planning will wrap up just in time to celebrate the holidays with our family and friends. It doesn't look like life is going to slow down any time soon.
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