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Giant Eagle Deals

Hello friends!

I wanted to get in touch about the Giant Eagle deals for this week before they reset on Thursday!  I finally got a good shopping week in at Giant Eagle and had a wonderful cashier who was actually friendly and took my coupons without complaint!  I spent $43 at the store on Friday and got back over $7 in rebates.  For that money I received 8 bags of groceries!

Here are some must do deals!

Well YES! soups are on sale for 3/$5.  You can use 2 coupons from or Swagbucks coupons for 75c/each for $1.50 savings on each can, making them only $.17!  But wait, we're not finished with $.17 soups! There is a BONUS: Ibotta has $1 on 2 rebate on the soups making this deal a MONEYMAKER!!!

The Dole fruit bowls are all on sale for $2 each.  That's a pretty standard regular price, but with $1 off coupons from the paper on Fruitocracy, $1/2 any Dole bowls, plus the ones in coconut water $1 off as well, you can get these for only $1 each!

Johnsonville Flame Grilled Chicken are on sale for $4.99.  Precooked chicken to throw on a salad is always a win for me!  You get 3 individually wrapped chicken breasts.  There is a coupon in the paper for $1.50 off, and an Ibotta rebate for $3, making these just $.49 each!  Ibotta resets every 48 hours as well, so you can do this one again!

Land o Frost lunch meat is on sale for $4.99 and a 75c coupon doubled makes for $3.49 for a pound of lunch meat.

Yoplait yogurt fridge packs were $3.99 on sale for 8 individual yogurts.  That's the standard buy price at 50c each.  But $1 off any fridge pack coupon from or Swagbucks makes them $2.99, a fantastic deal!  I bought 3!

Because of these rebates on ibotta, I was able to qualify (in addition to the 25c rebate for any other item purchased), for the October bonus of $3!  Making my grand total on my rebate $7.25!! Not a bad shopping trip for some healthy foods my family was in need of anyway!

Oh, and because I used swagbucks to print my coupons, I was able to earn 10 swagbucks per coupon printed that I used in the store! Bonus savings!!

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Disclaimer: Links shown are referral links.  I may be compensated by the company for you signing up using these thinks.  Please know it is at no cost to you, and I honestly use these programs or I would not be sharing them!  It's an easy way to help earn income for my family and for my time to share these deals with you :)


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