Does anyone wash their hands 1000 times a day and feel like winter sucks up the moisture in your skin no matter how many times you moisturize or how much water you drink? I have been struggling with this, especially since having kids and washing hands even more! But I accidentally came across this tip and had to share with my friends/readers!
So here's how the discovery happened and then I'll share with you how I do it. First, I have dry hair. I wash every other day to try to retain the moisture in it, but it still just is too dry. I wanted to try a deep conditioning mask but hate too many chemicals in my hair. So I was reading about how the moisturizing ingredient in a lot of those products is coconut oil. Well, I have that in my kitchen! I knew it would melt at a warm enough temperature, so I took a scoopful in a tupperware container and brought it in my shower. I tried rubbing it solid into my hair (I take REALLY hot showers) and it didn't work. I tried melting in my hands then rubbing that in my hair. I didn't really feel a difference. So alas, I gave up. But I still had some coconut oil in my little container and I didn't want to waste it. SO here is my awesome discovery - I tried it as an "in-shower" lotion!
I take a small amount - maybe a Tbsp or so and rub it on my arms, legs, feet, elbows, anywhere I want some extra moisture. You'll notice the water beads up on your arm when applying it (solid) and then as you rub it in, you can rinse it off and NO MORE DRY SKIN! I promise. It's awesome. I do it once a week or as needed. My hands are softer, my dry skin is no longer an issue.
Oh, and I did eventually try some deep conditioner for my hair that worked really well. I tried it first at Shop N Save for $3.99 but then I found this 3 pack on Amazon for an awesome deal. Much cheaper than the individual price and I have enough for a year :) Don't forget to clip the extra coupon when checking out!
Healthy skin wishes your way! Hope this tip helps!
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