Does anyone wash their hands 1000 times a day and feel like winter sucks up the moisture in your skin no matter how many times you moisturize or how much water you drink? I have been struggling with this, especially since having kids and washing hands even more! But I accidentally came across this tip and had to share with my friends/readers! So here's how the discovery happened and then I'll share with you how I do it. First, I have dry hair. I wash every other day to try to retain the moisture in it, but it still just is too dry. I wanted to try a deep conditioning mask but hate too many chemicals in my hair. So I was reading about how the moisturizing ingredient in a lot of those products is coconut oil. Well, I have that in my kitchen! I knew it would melt at a warm enough temperature, so I took a scoopful in a tupperware container and brought it in my shower. I tried rubbing it solid into my hair (I take REALLY hot sh...