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Dinner Hero

If you're like me, meal planning isn't as simple as everyone makes it out to be.  I have a system and I'll be posting on it within the next few weeks, however one kitchen tool that has literally changed how we eat is the Instant Pot.

The instant pot is my most utilized kitchen tool, even more than a skillet or sauce pan.  This thing does it ALL.  My favorite aspect is that it can cook even frozen meat in 30 minutes or less, depending on the weight.  You'd never know it was cooked with speed, in that it tastes just as delicious as slow cooked food.

My favorite "recipe" is to take chicken (frozen or thawed) and a jar of salsa (we like medium for extra flavor) and salt to taste.  Sometimes I will add a half cup of water if the salsa is super thick.  Then set to poultry (add some time if it's frozen) and shred when it's cooked through.  Less than 30 minutes and dinner is made.  Cook some rice while you wait or serve with taco fixings.

Some people think they have a slow cooker and a rice cooker and don't need extra appliances around the house.  This is not an ordinary appliance and in fact, I use it instead of my slow cooker more often these days.  This will save you time, sanity and money.  Instead of telling my family that the day was too crazy and we'd be grabbing a pizza or fast food, I can always serve dinner quickly and with ease with things found around my pantry and freezer thanks to the instant pot.

Since moving, I haven't returned to doing this yet, but the reason I like this specific model is that it has the 7 in 1 feature - the 7th feature is my favorite.  Yogurt making is soooo easy with this and I am not by any means Suzy Homemaker.  Homemade yogurt was not possible before the instant pot and now it's so easy that I can't explain paying more for sugar-laden or overpriced greek yogurt anymore.  It takes very little physical work, and after heating milk in the instant pot, cooling it in an ice bath, adding in a couple of tablespoons of starter then returning it to the instant pot to slowly warm and thicken, you then have yogurt. (I opted to buy a straining bag pictured below to make it as a thicker greek yogurt, then I used the liquid whey that drains from it for homemade breads, bagels, in smoothies or for pizza dough).

Another quick time saver and huge money saver is to cook dry beans in the instant pot.  Canned beans are much more expensive than dry, but the effort to remember to soak beans overnight and cook them can be too much for busy families.  I literally set the instant pot to manual for 22 minutes with 3 parts water to 1 part beans and a little salt and they come out just perfect.  I will cook several cups of beans at a time and freeze them in sandwich baggies in 1 cup amounts just because it's simple!

If you add up cost savings of this appliance, it is totally worth it!  Think of how many times per month you have to scramble to throw together a meal, or the savings on individual cups of yogurt with all that sugar in it!  There are many more uses for this appliance and many can be found on Facebook if you search "Instant Pot", countless groups and pages can be joined and liked to get ideas that your family will love.  I cannot say enough good things about the Instant Pot!  Hope it saves you money and brings you sanity.  Comment below and tell me your favorite recipe to make in the Instant Pot.

*Disclaimer: The above are affiliate links.  Solutions for Sanity is a participant in the Amazon Affiliates program which means that this site can earn a small fee through linking to Amazon offers a small percentage of the sale at no cost to you. Only purchases made through this link will be compensated to me. 


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