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Subscribe & Save

The last three weeks have been crazy --- my husband has been in Florida for work and I've been single mom and dealing with being both mom & dad the last 21 days.  Now that hubs is home, life is returning to normal.  But I wanted to share something that was a saving grace while he was gone, aside from my awesome friends & family.

Amazon Subscribe & Save is an awesome service to my family.  With coupons and sales, I can get things cheaper than Costco or Sam's and even better - I don't have to leave my house or need to pick up other "good deals" that aren't really needs that I often see in the store.  Because I always do that!  Last week at Costco, I found king sheet for $11.97!  Uh, who can't use an extra set of sheets for under $12?  But yes, I found several other "good deals" and wound up spending over $100 when I set out for only 4 things.  Good deals aren't always good if you don't need anything :)

But I digress, I'm in love with Amazon Subscribe & Save.  I often start on the coupons page to see which deals are the best. Sorting by most popular is often my best bet for finding good deals (because people are smart and usually know which deals are best!), but you can also sort by newest coupons first and most percentage for the best deals.

If you haven't started a subscribe & save account before you're likely going to get your box soon.  If you've done it in the past, you have a date set each month that your delivery ships.  If you purchase 5 or more items then you get a greater discount.  So know that as you add more items the prices of each item will decrease.

One of the better deals I saw this month is the Cascade pods with a $4 off coupon.  This makes them cheaper than the big box stores. Especially with the additional 15% off when you buy 5 items. Cottonelle, Swiffer and several other companies have wonderful deals this month.

If you're at 4 items and need an additional item to get the extra savings, some of my favorite add on items that don't cost much are spices and body wash or lip balm.  I usually check my spice drawer before I place an order just because their spices are great, come in glass containers and are organic!  And for $3-5 each, they're comparable to the grocery store non-organic brands.  I've been pleased with every Simply Organic spice I've tried! My favorite is the adobo over chicken breasts or ground turkey/chicken with a bit of honey.  Yum!

I wanted to add that after my items have arrived I usually go back in and delete my subscriptions so they don't ship again in the coming months. Unless it's something I really want no matter what!  My husband's razor's head we replace every 12 months so I usually keep that subscription, then bump after 6 months.

*Disclaimer: The above are affiliate links.  Solutions for Sanity is a participant in the Amazon Affiliates program which means that this site can earn a small fee through linking to Amazon offers a small percentage of the sale at no cost to you. Only purchases made through this link will be compensated to me.  


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